June 1, 2010
The Kingdom of God Today
“Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations.”
Psalm 145:13
If you do not recall a day in your life when you received eternal life as a free gift from Jesus, then this article will not make sense to you. Please click the eternal life button now and learn more about finding peace with God and being born again today. Eternal Life
I really enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend. I spent some time at the beach, as usual. Recently I was reading the Bible with a new friend of mine and he suggested that I was using “logic” upon him. He thought it was improper to worship Jesus, but necessary to worship God. Well, we looked at John 1:1-3 and saw that the Word was God. Then we looked at John 1:14 and saw that Jesus was the Word, because Jesus took flesh and dwelt among us. Therefore, Jesus was God. Because Jesus is God, then we should worship Him. At that point, my friend accused me of using “logic” to show we should worship Jesus. Well, I want to think about this whole conversation from a different perspective.
Yesterday, we looked at the Kingdom of God in our lives right now. Today, Psalm 145:13 focuses upon the everlasting aspect of the Kingdom of God. It spans from one generation to another. The friend I was talking to above also mentioned that he met Billy Graham, the evangelist. Billy Graham put his hands on his head and prayed for my friend when he was just a young boy. That must have been more than forty years ago for my friend. Many people I have met had some religious experience as a child, but never really came to know Jesus personally. They never were born again into the Kingdom of God.
We have also looked at Jesus preaching the Kingdom of God when He walked in the flesh in Israel (John 3:1-8). The same Jesus preached the same Gospel of the Kingdom of God that He commissioned us to preach today. The same offer to enter His kingdom still stands today. You must be born again spiritually by believing that Jesus took all the punishment for your sins upon the cross. He died in my place. By His death I now live. By His resurrection, Jesus now lives in me.
David in Psalm 145:13, reminds us that the Kingdom of God is not a new concept, or just one for the Old Testament believers. Instead, the Kingdom of God is everlasting. Notice too that Jesus emphasized that the dominion of God endures throughout all generations. This idea of dominion means rule or realm. Consider the rule of Jesus for a few seconds. Jesus tells me here that He is ruling right now, but He allows people to ask all their questions about Him. Right now, Jesus even allows people to say He should not be worshipped. Does their unbelief change His rule? Absolutely not. Jesus reigns spiritually right now. He will return to earth to rule with a rod of iron (Psalm 2:9; Revelation 19:15). Until then, all things have not been placed under the rule of Jesus, but one day soon He will subject all things to Himself (Hebrews 2:8; 1 Corinthians 15:23-26).
Application for Today
Today I will meet people not yet born into the Kingdom of God. Jesus loves every human on earth, and urges each of us to be reconciled to God. As King of His eternal dominion, He chooses to hold back His judgment upon unbelievers until just the right time in the future. Until then, as believers we have entered the spiritual Kingdom of God, and long to see the King return to earth. Are you living with Jesus, under His dominion, in the Kingdom of God? Why not live in His Kingdom today by faith?