Proverbs for the Beach Ministry
I have found great strength and encouragement in the Proverbs of the Bible, and have provided the following list of Proverbs for encouraging everyone sharing their faith in Christ with unbelievers. Of course, many of these proverbs will also encourage our lives as believers, and help us to become more like Christ.
The Fear of the LORD is the Beginning of Knowledge
God expects us to fear Him. Without the fear of God, you will not really know God. As you ponder those two thoughts, consider the following proverb.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:7
Establishing the correct relationship with Jesus Christ begins with the proper attitude. This term here for “fear” means that you have reverential respect, to such an extent that you highly respect and give complete devotion to God. 1The Hebrew term for “fear” (“יִרְאַת”) has a broad range of meanings. As always, the context must decide the meaning. In this passage, the knowledge (“דָּעַת”) relates directly to “fear.” Therefore, we may understand that before we can begin to acquire knowledge of God, we must start with the proper emotional response to God. Furthermore, we must also realize that our quest for knowledge must be interactive, so that more knowledge about the LORD creates more “fear” in us. So, we learn that merely acquiring academic knowledge about God means nothing if that knowledge about God does not produce in us more “fear” of God and more love for Jesus Christ. So, in this context, we learn many things about how to act wisely, but all those things rest upon believers having the proper respect for God and His ways. Furthermore, we should live in dread of walking outside of God’s plans for our lives. Living as a fool means we despise (“בָּזוּ”) wisdom (“חָכְמָה”) and instruction (“וּמוּסָר”). We glean from these concepts that “instruction” here means to chasten or correct bad behavior, and that leads to the fear of the LORD, which produces knowledge. The way God defines our relationship with Him means that we cannot take Him lightly, or fail to esteem Him supremely in our lives.
Waywardness and Complacency
If you think that you can just sit tight spiritually, and you will decide about getting into heaven when you get there, then think again. The Bible contains clear evidence that your sin and complacency will bring you to eternal doom.
For the waywardness of the naïve will kill them; and the complacency of fools will destroy them.
Proverbs 1:32
Two related problems grip the unbeliever. First, “waywardness” 2The Hebrew term for “waywardness” (“מְשׁוּבַת”) refers to the act of defection, or apostasy in falling away. In this context, the unbeliever receives warning that neglecting the counsel of God and rejecting God’s reproof (Proverbs 1:25) will only result in final death. described the person who rejects the hands of God reaching out to grab him and bring him back to God. Instead, the insolent sinner continues to stray from the outstretched arms of God. Second, “complacency” 3The Hebrew term for “complacency (“שַׁלְוַת”) means to be at ease and without concern. So, as God reaches out for you to save you from destruction, you not only remain in your wayward condition, but you also lay back and catch a few rays at the beach. You act complacent about your sin in the sense of not having a care or concern about what you are doing before a holy and righteous God. for the unbeliever means you never realize the immense peril of unbelief and the finality of God’s judgment of eternal suffering and death awaiting the unbeliever who rejects salvation in Christ alone.
The LORD Gives Wisdom
Many people think they have wisdom, but they do not have the wisdom the LORD gives. He emphasizes that you must seek wisdom, searching for it with zeal as if it were a hidden treasure.
For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:6
As I encounter many people at the beach, I often hear people claim they have figured out how to live. Of course, they do not seem happy, content, satisfied, or even at spiritual peace with God. Furthermore, it appears to me that their choices have led them to alcoholism, drug addiction, divorce, spiritual poverty, anger, bitterness, and all kinds of problems. Yet, they claim to possess great wisdom they have gleaned from years of “spiritual living.” They seem mired in sin, yet thinking they have found wisdom. Proverbs 2:6, reminds us that the LORD gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. When I see people preaching their own wisdom, but they do not listen to Jesus Christ, then I know they have no wisdom from God. Also, please notice that God requires us to listen to Him because knowledge 4The Hebrew term for “knowledge” (“דַּעַת”) refers to insight and true knowledge about things. If it is a qal infinitive construct, it functions as the object, that is, what comes from the mouth of God. As a noun, it also functions as the object coming from the mouth of the LORD. and understanding 5The Hebrew term for “understanding” (“תְבוּנָה”) means insight into things as they really are. come from His mouth. If you are not listening to Jesus Christ, then you do not have any wisdom worth sharing. Never be confounded by the “wisdom” of people who claim great wisdom, but reject Christ. As born-again believers in Christ Jesus, we may count upon God giving us “wisdom which none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute” (Luke 21:15).
Reference [+]
↑1 | The Hebrew term for “fear” (“יִרְאַת”) has a broad range of meanings. As always, the context must decide the meaning. In this passage, the knowledge (“דָּעַת”) relates directly to “fear.” Therefore, we may understand that before we can begin to acquire knowledge of God, we must start with the proper emotional response to God. Furthermore, we must also realize that our quest for knowledge must be interactive, so that more knowledge about the LORD creates more “fear” in us. So, we learn that merely acquiring academic knowledge about God means nothing if that knowledge about God does not produce in us more “fear” of God and more love for Jesus Christ. So, in this context, we learn many things about how to act wisely, but all those things rest upon believers having the proper respect for God and His ways. Furthermore, we should live in dread of walking outside of God’s plans for our lives. Living as a fool means we despise (“בָּזוּ”) wisdom (“חָכְמָה”) and instruction (“וּמוּסָר”). We glean from these concepts that “instruction” here means to chasten or correct bad behavior, and that leads to the fear of the LORD, which produces knowledge. The way God defines our relationship with Him means that we cannot take Him lightly, or fail to esteem Him supremely in our lives. |
↑2 | The Hebrew term for “waywardness” (“מְשׁוּבַת”) refers to the act of defection, or apostasy in falling away. In this context, the unbeliever receives warning that neglecting the counsel of God and rejecting God’s reproof (Proverbs 1:25) will only result in final death. |
↑3 | The Hebrew term for “complacency (“שַׁלְוַת”) means to be at ease and without concern. So, as God reaches out for you to save you from destruction, you not only remain in your wayward condition, but you also lay back and catch a few rays at the beach. You act complacent about your sin in the sense of not having a care or concern about what you are doing before a holy and righteous God. |
↑4 | The Hebrew term for “knowledge” (“דַּעַת”) refers to insight and true knowledge about things. If it is a qal infinitive construct, it functions as the object, that is, what comes from the mouth of God. As a noun, it also functions as the object coming from the mouth of the LORD. |
↑5 | The Hebrew term for “understanding” (“תְבוּנָה”) means insight into things as they really are. |