Are You Anointed?
Christ Assembly
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Do you know anointed people? So many people today use the word “anointed” to describe different things in the church. Some people use the term “anointed” to describe sermons, music, prayers, people or other things. They mean that God placed a special anointing upon something or someone. As always, let us compare what the Bible says about “anointing” with what people say about anointing.
Anointing in the Old Testament
What does the Bible say about “anointed”? In the Old Testament the term “anointed” referred to oil being applied to people and things to show that they were sanctified (cleansed, made holy, and set apart for God’s use). When the term anointed was applied to Messiah, it meant that Christ was anointed as the Son of God to fulfill the purposes of His Father. We can look at a few uses of the term below to understand how God used the term anointed.
Messiah Anointed
Yahweh anointed Jesus for various purposes in the Old Testament. Jesus will proclaim Good News, rule the world, and giving believes the oil of gladness.
Good News
As Jesus stood in the synagogue of Nazareth, the Isaiah book was handed to Him and Jesus read Isaiah 16:1-2a and then closed the book. Jesus closed the book in the middle of Isaiah 61:2. He only proclaimed the favorable year of Yahweh. He stopped reading before He came to the year of vengeance. Please keep in mind that the term “Yahweh” (“יְהוָ֨ה”) can be applied to Jesus (Exodus 3:16–compare John 8:58) and the Father (Psalm 110:1).
Jesus explained why Spirit of Adonai Yahweh was upon Him. Yahweh had anointed Jesus for special service (compare John 10:36–the Father sanctified (“ἡγίασεν”) the Son and sent Him into the world). The Father anointed Jesus, so that Spirit of Adonai Yahweh was upon Him to speak for the Father. The message of Jesus focused upon the following points:
♦ Bring Good News to the Afflicted
♦ Bind up the Brokenhearted
♦ Proclaim Liberty to Captives
♦ Proclaim Freedom to Captives
♦ Proclaim the Favorable Year of Yahweh
Rule the Nations
As Jesus stood in the synagogue in Nazareth, He proclaimed the coming of the favorable year of Yahweh. He closed the Isaiah Book and did not proclaim the day of vengeance of Yahweh. David wrote about the future day of vengeance of Yahweh in Psalm 2. Writing under the inspiration of God, David described the nations of the earth taking their stand against Yahweh and His anointed (“מְשִׁיחֹֽו”). Yahweh then described Messiah as His Son, Who will rule the nations. David looked forward to the Millennial Reign of Messiah upon the earth (see Afterlife). During the Millennial Reign of Christ, the nations seek to tear their fetters apart and release themselves from the rule of Yahweh. Messiah will rule the nations with a rod of iron, and break them like earthenware. All nations should do homage to the Son that He not become angry, and people perish in the way. For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him (Psalm 2:1-12). This Psalm describes several key facts about Messiah.
♦ Yahweh Anointed His Son, Jesus, to rule the earth.
♦ Yahweh Anointed Jesus to Rule with a Rod of Iron.
♦ Yahweh Anointed Jesus To Break the Nations Like Earthenware.
♦ Yahweh Anointed Jesus So that All the Nations Would Do Homage to the Son.
Oil of Gladness
When Christ returns to earth to begin His Millennial Reign, He will also comfort all who mourn because they have looked upon Him Whom they have pierced, In particular, the people alive in Israel will be changed, from the least of them to the greatest of them. Yahweh will pour out the Spirit of Grace and Supplications (“ר֤וּחַ חֵן֙ וְתַ֣חֲנוּנִ֔ים“), so that they will look upon Him Whom they have pierced. They will mourn over Him. At the end of the Tribulation, one third of the people of Israel will survive the invasion by the nations (Zechariah 13:8). Yahweh will refine them as silver, and test them as gold. They will call upon His Name, and they will be His people, and He will be their God (Zechariah 13:9).
Then Jesus will go forth from heaven to fight as on a day of battle. He will slay His enemies and set His feet upon the Mount of Olives, from where He ascended into heaven. When Jesus returns, He will comfort those people who mourn for Him. For unbelievers, Jesus comes back in vengeance. For believers, He comes back to comfort those who mourn. He will give them the oil of gladness. They will be called the oaks of righteousness, the planting of Yahweh, so that He will glorified.
♦ When Jesus returns to earth, Jesus will give the survivors of Israel the oil of gladness.
The term “His Messiah” (“מְשִׁיחֹֽו”) refers to the Anointed One.
Anointed Cherub
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Psalm 2:2
Oil of Joy
Psalm 45:7
Anointed to bring good news
Isaiah 61:1
Anointed Cheru
Exekiel 28:14
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Zechariah 4:14
Genesis 31:12 the pillar at Bethel.
Aaorn and his sons were anointed with oil, so that they may serve God (Exodus 28:41)
The altar must be anointed and its utensils (Exodus 40;10).
Ruth anointed herself for Boaz (Ruth 3:3).
Saul 1 Samuel 9:16 David 1 Sameul 16:3
Anointing in the New Testament
In the New Testament, the disciples the term “anointed” may refer to different things. Some people think that “anointed” always refers to the Holy Spirit. We will see that “anointed” does not always refer to the Holy Spirit.
Anointed with Oil
anointed sick people with oil and they were healed (Mark 6:13, page 1568). Likewise, James directed sick believers to call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over the sick person, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord (James 5:14, pages 1892-1893).
Anointed with Clay
Jesus anointed the eyes of a blind man, who received his sight after washing (John 9:11, page 1673). Jesus also directed His disciples to anoint their heads and wash their faces when they fasted (Matthew 6:17, page 1509).
Anointed with Eye Salve
Jesus also advised the Laodicean church to buy from Him salve to anoint their eyes, so that they may see (Revelation 3:18, page 1918).
Anointed with Nard
Many references in the New Testament describe Jesus and anointing. A sinful woman anointed Jesus at the home of Simon the Pharisee (Luke 7, page 1611). Later, Mary also anointed Jesus for burial (Mark 14:8, page 1586; John 12:3, page 1680).
Anointed by God
God also anointed Jesus: (a) as His servant (Acts 4:27, page 1706); and (b) with the Holy Spirit and with power (Acts 10:38, page 1720); and (c) with the oil of gladness above His companions (Hebrews 1:9, page 1870).
Anointed with Spices
Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, and came to anoint Jesus in His tomb, but He was not there, but already raised from the dead (Mark 16:1, pages 1591-1592).
Anointed Believers
God anoints every believer (2 Corinthians 1:21, page 1805), as they all know (1 John 2:20, page 1905). The anointing abides in believers, and teaches believers about all things, and is true and is not a lie, teaches believers that they abide in Christ (1 John 2:27, page 1906).
Based upon the New Testament references to anointing, we see that after the Holy Spirt came and filled believers, and Jesus baptized each believer in the Holy Spirit, things changed dramatically. Every believer became anointed, and they received spiritual gifts. Therefore, when you hear people talk about a special “anointing” today, ask them to show you in the Bible why they would say such a thing. Every believer has been anointed, baptized and gifted by God for ministry.