May 23, 2010
Meditate Today
On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wonderful works, I will meditate.
Psalm 145:5
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Meditation. Meditation means that you focus your thoughts. David in Psalm 145 told us that he focused his thoughts upon two things: (1) the majesty of God, and (2) the wonderful works of God.
Daily Meditation. You probably spend time doing your own meditation each day. Sometimes we meditate about our own majesty and our own glory. We like to make plans in our minds about how we can live well, eat well, sleep well. We want to look good, act smart, live in the right places, and achieve financial security. We want lots of great friends, and the respect of people. We want our families to prosper, and to enjoy success. We want a good reputation. To some extent, we all meditate in one way or another. But what should we focus our minds upon as we sit quietly before God?
Meditating upon God. In Psalm 145, David emphasized meditation. He meditated in the temple (Psalm 27:4) and on his bed at night (Psalm 63:6). David meditated all day upon the law of God (Psalm 119:97). David also told us that he anticipated the night watches, so that he could meditate upon God’s word (Psalm 119:148). David meditated upon the Son of God, Jesus. In the Old Testament, Jesus used the term LORD (“Yahweh”) to reveal Himself (compare John 8:58 with Exodus 3:14). The greatest work Jesus performed in my life was taking away my sins (all of them) by placing my sins upon Himself when He died on the cross. I deserved to die on that cross, because I did not keep the ten commandments. I had sinned, and the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). But by the death of Jesus, He has forgiven me of all my sins because He washed me clean by His blood. He died for me, and I put all my trust in the fact that Jesus has forgiven my sins. I believe Jesus saved me from spiritual death every day of my life, by God’s grace. Jesus not only died for me, but He also lives within me. I now live with the same power of God that raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus truly lives within me. I love to meditate upon the grace of God poured out upon me by God.
Time for Meditation. Meditation means that we take time, during the day and also during the night, to direct our thoughts to God. We consciously take control of our thoughts and stop aimlessly thinking about things we can never change. We stop worrying about our problems. We stop dreaming about things we want. We consciously move our train of thought to Jesus Christ. We stop our old patterns of thought and replace them with thoughts about God.
Glorious Splendor. Have you ever spent any time thinking about the glorious splendor of God’s majesty? Why not today? Can you imagine the change in your attitude and the way you would treat people if you thought you were sitting in the throne room of God each day? How about rethinking your problems from the perspective of seeing Jesus shine in all His glory. Peter saw the majesty of Jesus Christ, and watched Him receive glory and honor from His Father as Jesus was transfigured before him (compare Matthew 17:1-8 and 2 Peter 1:16-17).
Meditation upon God’s Works. Have you spent time meditating lately upon God’s plans for your life and your friends’ lives? Have you seen God’s works in your life today? Do you expect to see them tomorrow? Meditate upon God’s works. You will see a very close relationship between praising God and meditating upon His majesty and works. As you think consciously about Him, you will also find you will be praising Him. Not long ago I met a man who seeks God by thinking about nothing. He loves to sit quietly and empty his mind of all thoughts, so that he has nothing in his mind. God enjoys people sitting quietly, but He seeks our thoughts to be directed towards Him. I know I do not spend nearly enough time each day and night meditating upon Jesus Christ. So, instead of thinking about nothing today, ask God to focus your mind upon Him.
Application for Today
Today I will enjoy spiritual meditation by taking time to focus my thoughts upon the majesty of God and the works of God. God deserves my attention and He loves to hear from me. He enjoys my company and I enjoy His. Today I will use my mind to focus my spirit upon the Lord Jesus Christ. I will think about the cross and the empty tomb. I will let the Holy Spirit dwelling within me move my thoughts to God, and His activity in my life. I will meditate upon Jesus healing the sick, providing for the poor, and being friends with the lonely and sinful. I will see Jesus at work by meditating upon the best thing God has done to bless me today. I will draw closer to God in meditation today.