May 22, 2010
Declaring the Mighty Works of God
“One generation shall praise Your works to another, and
shall declare Your might acts.”
Psalm 145:4
If you do not recall a day in your life when you received eternal life as a free gift from Jesus, then this article will not make sense to you. Please click the eternal life button now and learn more about finding peace with God and being born again today.
The Mighty Acts of God. Have you noticed any of God’s mighty acts lately? Has He changed your life lately? One friend I meet at the beach every day tells me about the miracles God is doing right now in his life. Listening to how God works in his life greatly encourages me. If you do not meet with people regularly that tell you of the mighty acts of God in their lives, then change may be in order. I do not mean that you change your friends, but that you ask God to change your life.
Each Generation. David in this Psalm said that each generation shall praise the works of God to another generation. God filled the Bible with great stories of how He has displayed His power in the lives of David, Daniel, Abraham, Isaac, the two blind men sitting in the road, all the people Jesus healed of diseases, all the demons Jesus cast out of people, and many other examples. Jesus performs the miracle of salvation every day for people all over the world. He takes people alienated from God, hostile to God, and living in evil deeds and forgives them and transforms them (Colossians 1:21). No one deserves the gift of salvation, but Jesus gives it to those people who do not deserve it (none of us deserve God’s gift (Ephesians 2:8-9). Jesus touches lives with His power, forgives your personal sin because you believe He died for you on the cross, and makes you a new creation, so that all things become new spiritually. I know about that saving power of God in my life and I enjoy sharing God’s plan of salvation with new friends. I love to watch the power of Jesus Christ change lives. Jesus makes a new spiritual generation of believers all the time.
Changing Your Life. Changing your life means that you start talking to people you know about the power of God at work in your life. As you turn your life over to Jesus every day, day by day, then you realize He can help you and He will change your life. You start to look for the things God does to display His power. Is your life improving or sinking deeper? The only way to have a life rising higher will be to trust in the power of Jesus Christ. He said that He can do “far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us . . . ” (Ephesians 3:20). Did you catch that? He said He would do more in my life than I can ask or think. He would do that according to His power.
Application for Living Today
God intends for me to praise Him by telling generations of His mighty acts. I will look for His mighty acts and tell my friends, my family, and everyone God tells me to tell about the power He is showing in my life. I will also be counting upon God to change my life to praise Him, according to the power that works within me.
Declaring the Mighty Works of God Today │ Psalm 145:4