Giving All to Everyone?
Luke 6:30
Section One
1.1 Context. People frequently ignore the context of the sayings of Jesus. For example, Jesus literally said: “To all asking you, give, and from the one lifting up your things, you may not demand” (Luke 6:30). Those people ignoring the context often have a specific axe to grind and pervert the Scriptures to suit their own ends. So, the question arises about giving all to everyone. What do we give and did God recognize any limits to giving all to everyone?
To all asking you, give, and from the one lifting up your things, you may not demand.
Luke 6:30
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Section Two
The Context
2.1 Loving Enemies. The immediate context of Luke 6:30 concerns enemies. Jesus said love your enemies (Luke 6:27). He then continued that we should love those who hate you (Luke 6:27). You should bless those people who curse you, and pray for those people who mistreat you (Luke 6:28). Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other cheek (Luke 6:29). Whoever lifts up your coat, do not withhold your tunic (Luke 6:29). Notice that the entire context concerns actions of unbelievers persecuting believers. How do Christians respond to their enemies? Jesus answered that question with detailed examples. In short, we love our enemies by giving them what they demand from us, provided we do not join them in their sin. At all times we respond with love to our enemies. We should be merciful as our Father is merciful (Luke 6:36). Love and mercy go hand in hand here.
Luke 6:30, Giving to All, applies to giving to your enemies and specifically shows how to love your enemies.
♦ Enemies
♦ Hate You
♦ Curse You
♦ Mistreat You
♦ Hit You
2.2 Not General Rule. Therefore, Jesus was not providing a general rule applicable to all situations with all people. He specifically limited this passage to dealing with your enemies who ask you for something or take something from you.
Section Three
A Few Exceptions to
Giving All to Everyone
3.1 Ten Virgins. Jesus told the story of ten virgins, five prudent and five foolish (Matthew 25:1-12). When the five foolish virgins lacked oil for their lamps and asked the five prudent virgins for oil, the five prudent virgins denied the request of the foolish virgins. The foolish virgins were not prepared to meet the bridegroom and suffered the consequences when the bridegroom arrived. Clearly, the prudent virgins were an exception to giving to everyone who asked. They said they needed their oil to be ready for the bridegroom and they could not share oil for that reason. When other people fail to prepare properly, then their own failures should not cause other people to fail in their duties. At times, giving even a part of what we have would be disobedient to God if our giving to others causes us to be not ready to meet God.
This story of the ten virgins means we do not always give to anyone who asks us. If people have acted foolishly and failed to be prepared, we cannot join them in their sin by giving to them so that we too are not prepared and therefore sinning.
♦ Five Foolish Virgins–Unprepared
♦ Five Prudent Virgins–Prepared
♦ Never join in the sin of being unprepared.
♦ Tell the foolish to become prepared.
3.2 Jesus at Nazareth. When Jesus returned to Nazareth, His hometown, Jesus said in that synagogue: “No doubt you will quote this proverb to Me, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we heard was done at Capernaum, do here in your hometown as well'” (Luke 4:23). Jesus told them that He would not do many miracles in Nazareth because they did not welcome Him or believe in Him. The people in the synagogue were enraged and sought to throw Jesus down a cliff, but He passed through their midst and left. Jesus did not give the people of Nazareth the miracles they asked from Him.
At Nazareth, Jesus declined to do miracles there, even if the people asked Him to help them with many miracles. Their unbelief and unwelcome attitude prevented Him from doing many miracles there.
♦ The people at Nazareth wanted Jesus to do many miracles there.
♦ Jesus declined their request to given them many miracles.
♦ Jesus did not give all to everyone.
3.3 Gadarene Demoniac. Jesus healed the Gadarene demoniac. Then the Gadarene Demoniac asked Jesus to take him with Him so that he could be with Jesus. Although the Gadarene Demoniac asked Jesus to get into the boat, Jesus instead denied that request and told him to go home and report what great things the Lord has done for him and the mercy He had on him (Mark 5:19). Therefore, we know that Jesus also denied believers some of their requests because He had other plans for them.
Jesus denied the request of the Gadarene Demoniac who wanted to get into the boat with Jesus and follow Him. Instead, Jesus told him to go home and report the great things God did for him and how the Lord had shown him mercy.
♦ The Gadarene Demoniac wanted to get into the boat with Jesus and follow Him.
♦ Jesus declined his request.
♦ Jesus had other plans for the Gadarene Demoniac to go home and share his testimony about God’s works and salvation with them.
3.4 Solid Food. Paul was unable to give the Corinthians solid food, because they were unable to bear it (1 Corinthians 3:2). Apparently, they wanted more food than Paul was giving them.
Paul did not give solid food to the Corinthians.
♦ The Corinthians wanted more food, but they were immature.
♦ Paul did not give them solid food, because they were unable to bear it, because they were immature in Christ.
3.5 Mother of James and John. The mother of James and John, the sons of thunder, asked for her sons to sit on the left and right hand of Jesus in His kingdom. Jesus said it was not His to give and denied her request (Matthew 20:22).
Jesus denied the request of the mother of James and John for her sons to sit on His right hand and left hand in the Kingdom of God.
♦ The mother of James and John asked Jesus to grant her request that her sons sit on His right hand and left hand in His kingdom.
♦ Jesus denied her request because it was not His to give.
3.6 Ask and Have not. James explained that some believers ask God for things, but they do not receive them because they ask with wrong motives, so that they may spend it on their pleasures (James 4:3).
God denies the requests of people who ask with wrong motives.
♦ Some people ask God for things.
♦ God declines their request because they ask with wrong motives.
3.7 Hasten To Do Evil. If sinners entice you to do evil, do not consent (Proverbs 1:10).
When sinners entice you to do evil, do not consent.
♦ Sinners may entice you, or ask you, to do evil with them.
♦ Never consent to any request to do evil with others and never agree to give anything that would require you to do evil.
3.8 Adulteress. Do not give your attention or body to harlots when they try to seduce you (Proverbs 7:24-25).
When the harlot tries to seduce you with her words and actions, do not give her attention and do not turn aside to her ways.
♦ Harlots may try to seduce you with words and actions.
♦ Do not give your attention, heart or body to harlots, no matter what they request or promise.
♦ Do not stray into her paths.
3.9 Jehoshaphat. King Ahab did more to provoke Yahweh God of Israel more than all the kings of Israel who were before him (1 Kings 16:33). One day King Ahab asked King Jehoshaphat to join him in battle. King Jehoshaphat ignored the word of God and went into battle allied with the evil king and lost the battle (1 Kings 22:36).
When evil kings ask you for help, and you ignore the word of God and help them, they you can expect defeat, not blessing.
♦ Evil King Ahab requested military help from King Jehoshaphat.
♦ Jehoshaphat was warned by a prophet not to go because they would be defeated.
♦ Ignoring the word of God, Jehoshaphat gave in to the request of evil King Ahab and suffered defeat in battle.
3.10 Balaam. Balak, evil king of Moab, asked Balaam the prophet to curse the people of Israel (Numbers 22:5). God told Balaam not to grant the request of the evil king Balak (Numbers 22:12).
Evil King Balak asked Balaam the prophet to curse the people of Israel. God told Balaam to deny that request.
♦ Evil kings may ask Christians to do evil things.
♦ Christians should always deny all requests to do evil or to participate in evil schemes.
3.11 Come Down from the Cross. The chief priests and scribes mocked Jesus on the cross, commanding Him to come down from the cross and then they would believe Him (Matthew 27:40). Of course, Jesus did not do what they asked and come down from the cross because He had to pay the death penalty for all sinners. If Jesus complied with their sinful request, then no one would be saved.
The chief priests and scribes asked Jesus to come down from the cross so that they would believe Him.
♦ Evil people asked Jesus to come down from the cross so that they would believe.
♦ Jesus denied their request because He wanted to fulfill God’s will, not the will of His enemies.
Section Four
Jesus never made a general rule that says give to anyone who asks anything from you. He did command Christians how to love our enemies by giving to them what they demand from us, provided that we do not sin with them or sin by giving them something. We must act according to the love of God and show love for others by obeying God. What God has given to us, we can give to them, as God permits. Numerous exceptions, far beyond those exceptions cited above, show that God never intended for Christians to give all things to anyone who asks for something we have. We must always follow God’s directions in all things so that we please Him first and foremost.