May 25, 2010
Shout Joyfully Today of God’s Righteousness
“They shall eagerly utter the memory of Your abundant goodness and shout joyfully of Your righteousness.”
Psalm 145:7
If you do not recall a day in your life when you received eternal life as a free gift from Jesus, then this article will not make sense to you. Please click the eternal life button now and learn more about finding peace with God and being born again today.
Have you been shouting about anything lately? Last week I heard people shout at their children, their spouses, and the bad things going on in their lives. I did not hear people shouting joyfully about anything. Jesus promotes spiritual intensity in our lives. We should shout joyfully about all the great things He has done in our lives. So often, our memories control our daily emotions and actions.
Jesus loves to control your memories. We have already reviewed Christian meditation and have seen how we should meditate upon God’s majesty and His works (Psalm 145:5). Meditation upon God leads us to speak about God’s awesome acts (Psalm 145:6). Now we see that Jesus intends for us to speak of the memory of His “abundant goodness” and shout joyfully of His “righteousness.”
Memories can easily shape your life. What you tend to dwell upon influences your life today. I know people who dwell upon all the evil things other people have done to them. They mix in memories of all the big mistakes they have made. Every failure haunts them. So often, the alcoholics and drug addicts I know focus upon someone who has died and they cannot move past some tragic event. They live chained to a past they can never change. Instead of letting the blood of Jesus Christ wash away sin and cleanse the memories, they carry the memories in punishment every day. But God never intended our memories to punish us for sin. Instead, He took my sins and punished Jesus for everything I have ever done wrong. In fact, Jesus took your sins too.
Today the power of God will focus your thoughts upon God’s essential character: “abundant goodness” and “righteousness.” So many people I meet at the beach each day think that God wants to punish them for their sins. They do not focus upon the abundant goodness of Jesus. Jesus said He came for His children to have life, and to have it abundantly (John 10:10). When Jesus passed before Moses, He made all His “goodness” to pass before him, and spoke of His grace and compassion (Exodus 33:19). God promised that “goodness” and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives (Psalm 23:6). Count upon God to be good to you today because He acts from His nature of goodness.
Ponder the “righteousness” of God today. Only God gives “righteousness” because He alone is righteous (Romans 3:10; Isaiah 45:21). God credits His quality of sinless perfection to us by faith alone (Romans 4). God counts faith as righteousness. If you have ever looked at God and confessed with your mouth that you believe in your heart that Christ has forgiven your sins because He died on the cross for your sins, and that God raised Christ from the dead, then He declares you righteousness (Romans 10:9-10).
So, do you want to live today counting upon God’s goodness and righteousness? If so, then “eagerly utter” the memory of God’s abundant goodness and shout joyfully of His righteousness.
Application for Today
In my heart today I will stay in touch with God’s goodness and righteousness in my life today. I will look for both of those qualities of God in my life as I live by faith in Jesus today. When I see Him in my life today, you may hear me talking or shouting about Jesus. Will I hear you too?